11.03.2025 FLEX user workshop

2. FLEX User Workshop

Hotel Collegium Leoninum Noeggerathstraße 34 53111 Bonn, Germany

11.03.2025 10:30 Uhr

The German FLEX project office is inviting to its second user workshop.

Foto of Leoninum Bonn
Image: Leoninum Bonn

The German FLEX project office is inviting you to its second user workshop. This time we focus on introducing the user community and developing ideas for FLEX higher level satellite products (level 3). We would like to give interested users the opportunity to present their current research and to discuss where sun-induced fluorescence (SIF) could add value. This will lead us to a discussion about higher level satellite products. Of course, there will also be an update of the FLEX mission status, insights into the plans for FLEX calibration and validation and some peaks of the collaborative platform where FLEX data will be deployed.    

The aim of the workshop is to connect SIF experts and future SIF data users to generate synergies and unlock new ways of using FLEX data.  

The workshop will take place on 11.03.2025 at Hotel Collegium Leoninum Bonn and will be held in English. Food and drinks during the workshop are provided. You are very welcome to extend discussions with us afterwards over dinner. You may bring a poster to present your current work. 

the registration remains open until 25.02.2025. 

Register here!
Session Time Topic
Session 1 - FLEX status overview 11:00-11:15 Overview of the day
11:15-11:35 Status of FLEX mission – Matthias Drusch (ESA)
11:35-11:55 Status of the FLEX cal/val plan – Roberto Colombo (Uni Milano Bicocca)
11:55-12:15 Status of FloX devices and how they can become a network – Paul Näthe (JB Hyperspectral Devices GmbH)
Break 12:15-13:15 Group photo, Lunch & poster session
Session 2 – Community introduction 13:15-13:30 Possible use of FLEX data for aquatic research – Astrid Bracher (Alfred Wegener Institut)
13:30-13:40 Remote Sensing of Peatland Vegetation – Sebastian van der Linden (Uni Greifswald)
13:40-13:50 The Integrated Carbon Observation System network (ICOS) and SIF – Simon de Canniere (Uni Antwerp)/Luis Alonso (CEAM)
13:50-14:00 ECOSENSE - Multi-scale quantification and modelling of spatio-temporal dynamics of ecosystem processes by smart autonomous sensor networks – Anna Göritz (Uni Freiburg)
14:00-14:10 Forest laboratory and recording of biotic forest damage – Sebastian Preidl (Julius Kühn-Institut)
14:10-14:20 Linking Zeppelin-based measurements of organic emissions from (stressed) forests to FLEX– Eva Pfannerstill (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
14:20-14:30 ECMWF Integrated Forecast System (IFS) & CONCERTO project – Sebastien Garrigues (ECMWF) [online]
14:30-14:40 Carbon Modelling – Gregory Duveiller (MPG Jena) [online]
14:40-14:50 SIF for informing the European Commission forests and carbon modelling in the context of EU legislation - Mirco Migliavacca (JRC-ISPRA)
Break 14:50-15:20 Coffee break & poster session
Session 3 – Panel discussion: Ideas for Level 3 products 15:20-15:30 Preview of the FLEX collaborative platform – Pedro Pereira Gonçalves (Terradue) [online]
15:30-17:30 Panel discussion with all speakers – FLEX Level 3 products, FLEX cal/val sites in Germany & workshop wrap-up

Directions and parking at Leoninum Bonn: