30.09.2024 Call-en


The FLEX mission will provide top of atmosphere radiance measurements covering the spectral range from 500 to 800 nm with varyingspectral resolutions. The mission concept has been specifically designed for applications over land, most notably remote sensing ofvegetation fluorescence and photosynthetic activity.However, the measurements provided through the FLEX mission can potentially also be very beneficial for applications over open waters, coastal areas, and inland waters. This study addresses measurements over water with two high-level objectives: 1) The observation and data processing strategy for the FLEX mission over open waters and coastal areas shall be optimized and 2) A proof of concept for advanced FLEX products over open waters and coastal areas shall be developed.It has to be noted that although inland waters and coastal areas will be covered following the baseline acquisition mask, no systematic and continuous processing will be done by ESA beyond L1B, i.e. top of atmosphere radiances. Consequently, the work on the proof of concept shall focus on the processing from L1B to higher-level products.

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Foto: ESA