18.01.2024 workshop

FLEX User workshop 2024 - A summary

The first joint user workshop with our FLEX user community!

Foto: Ireneusz Kleppert

Our first official user workshop took place on January 18, 2024 at the Hotel Collegium Leonium, Bonn!

This event gave the first potential FLEX users the opportunity to ask questions, learn more about the FLEX mission and provide direct feedback, leading to productive discussions and a successful get-together.

Spread over three sessions, our guests Albrecht von Bargen (DLR), Matthias Drusch (ESA), Uwe Rascher (FZJ) and Siyuan Wang (MPI; EEBIOMASS) gave insights into the different facets of the mission, while interactive elements stimulated user discussion and provided valuable feedback on the mission. In addition, a panel discussion with our experts from DLR, ESA & FZJ discussed important questions around the topic of FLEX. Also in this part, our users were able to follow the process and discuss their own questions with the panel of experts.

Our event ended with a traditional meal together in a brewery in Bonn.