17.07.2024 news

New data available!

For users who have been waiting patiently for a sample dataset on sun-induced fluorescence, the wait is over.

Photo: Patrick Rademske

For users who have been waiting patiently for a sample dataset on sun-induced fluorescence, the wait is over.
A well-described and documented dataset is available that includes several HyPlant flight lines from sites in Germany, Italy, Switzerland and Spain from 2018-2023 campaigns. These include both raw data and products such as at-sensor radiance (found in the FLUO data) or fluorescence products based on different retrieval algorithms such as SFMNN or SFM. The images mainly represent fields, forests and crops such as wheat. In addition, they have FLOX measurements at the Campus Klein-Altendorf (near Bonn) and Seelhausen, which can be used as validation data, among other uses.

Click here for the data!