15.06.2023 Call-en

FLEX Data Innovation and Science Cluster (DISC)

DISC is meant as a consortium providing a cluster of experts in the relevant FLEX domains. This approach allows to have in the same consortium the expertise and skills needed to address all the scientific aspects of the mission.

The setup of the FLEX Data Innovation and Science Cluster (DISC), subject of this Intended Request for Proposal, will ensure that a cluster of experts in the relevant FLEX scientific domains, will oversee the operational quality control, operational calibration and overall validation through the synthesis of the results, as integral part of the FLEX Ground Segment. Following validation and calibration results and feedback, the DISC will also perform the processing algorithm maintenance and evolution, to keep the mission products' quality at the state of the art.

The call opened on 15.06. and closes on 04.08.23.

More information here

Image: NASA